* Feeder
* List Builder
* Membership Group
Experienced marketers brand themselves and have portfolios. That's because they want to offer options. When they get a prospect, they get to know them and present an A/B choice. It's the way to help a customer to know, like and trust you.
As long as a prospect has a choice, they feel in control. Avoid asking Yes/No questions to a prospect. Make every effort to give two quick scenarios and ask the prospect which do they prefer, A or B.
Infinity Downline is your B choice. You can make your A choice the more expensive one. Ask your prospect: "What is your monthly budget for starting a new business?" If they fall below the A choice, go ahead a briefly tell them you have it, but do not mention the price yet.
Then, tell them how Infinity will ~~~
* fit most budgets,
* provide great training resources,
* costs can be easily liquidated,
* it helps the user get into profit quicker
* and it helps people fund their businesses easily.
At this point, you ask them: "Which would you prefer? Going straight into Choice A at $$$ cost or Infinity Downline with all the benefits at a mere $25.00 monthly cost?"
So, don't burn a good prospect by offering no real options. Offer good options and win over the prospect by providing valuable benefits and solutions. Infinity will help them grow to your business while they train and earn money building their own list.
More customers and clients. That's what we all want.
Join Infinity Downline here.
Parting of the Red Sea
12 years ago